The Best of 2015!

Can you believe we are already at the end of 2015? Christmas is next weekthumbs up, and 2016 is just around the corner. This time of year our thoughts often drift towards a review of where we’ve been and what we’ve accomplished over the past year. Here, at Simply Green Lawn Care, located in Lilburn, GA, we would like to join you in this time of reflection and take a look at our top 5 favorite and most popular blogs of 2015. If you missed any of these, be sure to take a look!

  • A Brief History of Lawn Care – Not everyone thinks of lawn care and lanscaping as having a rich history, but it does! Many innovations, movers and shakers helped shape what know today. If you’re a history nut, this post is the one your looking for!
  • Planting the Seed: A Beginners Guide to Gardening – No matter what you’re interested in or what you do, we all have to start somewhere. If you’re thinking about joining the many people worldwide who are in to gardening, this blog post will help you get started!
  • Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal – Are you looking to sell your home soon, or just want to increase its value? Check out our post about what you can do to the landscaping of your home to increase its value by as much as 20%.
  • Don’t Let Heavy Rain Damage Your Lawn – We’ve seen rain, rain and more rain here in Georgia this year. The heavy rainfall can contributed to a host of issues in regards to your home and landscape. See what you can be doing to protect your lawn and help it recover.
  • Plant the Seeds of Good Health – This post was made during National Diabetes Month. This illness affects more than 29 million Americans. There are many things people can do when keeping the symptoms at bay, but did you know gardening is one of the best??

About Simply Green Lawn Care

Picture of a Simply Green Spray Technician treating a lawn

Simply Green aims to provide the highest quality lawn care, mosquito control, and lawn pest control services to Georgia residents.


We are locally owned and operated which allows us to be accessible, attentive, and responsive for customers in Georgia.


Our well-trained team is easy to work with and determined to exceed expectations.


All our plant health care specialists are Georgia Department of Agriculture Certified and maintain their Category 24 applicators license.