Top Benefits of Mowing Your Lawn Weekly
Are you enjoying a healthy, lush, green lawn this summer that feels great beneath your bare feet? If the answer is no, then improper mowing may be the problem. To restore optimum health and appearance to your lawn, put your grass on a weekly mowing regimen.
How does mowing the grass weekly improve the lawn?
Weekly mowing means stronger, healthier grass. When your lawn is cut at the correct height, the blades recover more efficiently and retain the right amount of moisture. The strongest blades will thrive and take over to create a greener more uniform look.
The benefits of weekly mowing are a healthier and more beautiful lawn.
- Weekly mowing means your lawn has a better defense against damaging insects and diseases that will target weak, poorly maintained lawns.
- Mowing on a weekly schedule creates stronger grass to choke out encroaching weeds.
- Mowing weekly allows grass clippings to be left on the lawn for mulch. Short clippings will not create thatch. They break down easily to release the same nutrients found in fertilizer- Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, a perfect recipe for strong roots and healthy grass.
- Weekly mowing puts less stress on the lawn and mowing equipment. Cutting longer blades of grass dulls mower blades more quickly and causes the mower to work harder. Cutting grass shorter and less often might sound like a good way to save time on outdoor chores, but this can result in the death of your lawn.
What are the best mowing practices?
- Set the right mowing height.
Cutting heights can be different for each species, so get to know your grass. Research the type of grass growing on your property in order to get the right height. In general, it’s best to mow 1/3 of the grass height. Mowing more than 1/3 stresses the grass and steals nutrients from once-strong roots. - Leave short grass clippings.
Recycle or compost your own clippings to add nutrition to the soil and enhance a strong root system. If the mowing height is right, then the clippings will be short enough to decompose and avoid creating thatch. - Sharpen mower blades.
Dull blades tear grass leaving grass jagged instead of a clean cut. Neglecting blade sharpening affects the look and feel of your lawn. It also invites pests and increases the potential for disease. Sharpening the mower blades is easy maintenance! - Alternate mowing directions.
Try mowing at different angles each time you cut. For example, mow lengthwise first, widthwise second and diagonally third. This practice improves the look of the lawn and avoids ruts and odd patterns from forming.
Will biweekly mowing damage grass?
Biweekly (every two weeks) mowing allows grass to grow twice as long, which means more grass must be cut each time. This causes problems for the lawn.
- Clippings left behind are longer and therefore take longer to decompose. This could lead to thatch which invites pests, fosters fungus, and promotes an environment for lawn diseases to develop.
- Mowing more than 1/3 of the grass blade means cutting too deeply into the most tender part of the leaf that holds the most water. Less moisture means more browning for the lawn.
- Since grass blades grow at different heights, a lapse in mowing creates a jagged and stressed lawn. Some blades are cut too short for their height. If the mowing height is raised to accommodate longer growth, then shorter blades are missed. Mow weekly to maintain a uniform height and look.
- Mowing biweekly also stresses the lawn because it takes more energy for the grass to recover.
What’s the best mowing schedule for fall and winter months?
During spring and summer, weekly mowing is highly recommended for optimum lawn health and appearance. During fall and winter months, however, some types of grass go dormant, and others experience slower growth. Research the type of grass on the lawn to determine the best mowing schedule from late November through March.
Simply Green Lawn Care Plus can help!
Following best mowing practices will keep your Georgia lawn healthy and thriving in these warm summer months. If you have not adopted a regular lawn mowing schedule and your grass is showing signs of possible disease, contact Simply Green Lawn Care Plus experts for an evaluation and treatment plan.
About Simply Green Lawn Care

Simply Green aims to provide the highest quality lawn care, mosquito control, and lawn pest control services to Georgia residents.
We are locally owned and operated which allows us to be accessible, attentive, and responsive for customers in Georgia.
Our well-trained team is easy to work with and determined to exceed expectations.
All our plant health care specialists are Georgia Department of Agriculture Certified and maintain their Category 24 applicators license.